
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Concert Series

Hi! I did quite a bit today for not having anything planned. When I woke up this morning I had my typical raisin english muffins which always starts my day on a good note. During the morning I didn't do too much, just watch TV, bring Jake downstairs to do his duty, routine habits. Come lunch time, my Dad suggested we go to the Aloha restaurant, it's a Chinese food restaurant not far from where we live, probably takes about 15 minutes to get there, it's located in the same city we live in so it's not far at all. And of course, when we got our bill, I asked for an extra fortune cookie for my puppy waiting at home. So I gave Jake his fortune cookie which half of them never make any sense at all........

"What is that??"

"Okay, I'll sniff it"

"Hmmmm, what does that say?"

It says "The years teach much which the days never know" Booooooring!!!

"I'll go back to licking my paw and hope this thing next to me will disappear"
So this after noon after dinner, my Mom and I went to the Planet Fitness gym. I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill and used the circuit machines to target a majority of the muscles in my body. It was a good work out and I'll go back again tomorrow.

This evening Manchester was having a Summer Concert at Veteran Park on Elm Street, so we packed up the pooch and headed over there and checked it out. It wasn't too bad at all.......

Here we are at the Summer Concert - lots of people here

This is my aunt and uncle's dog Robbie. They were watching the concert too

Robbie and Jake

I don't know who this dog is, but I snapped a shot of him

There's Robbie enjoying himself outside

There's Jake watching the concert, or something else, knowing him

He's so happy to be outside too!

There's the band......let's get a little closer......

There's the band!
So that was alot of fun, especially in this nice weather. They had quiet alot of people there. I liked it and I would go back again.

After we left there we stopped by the PSNH Amoskeag Overlook area, this is in a very local area and took a couple of minutes to stop by and sight see.....this is over off Commercial Street, by the PSNH building.....

So after this field trip we headed home and now I'm on the sofa relaxing.......I had a good time today and, you know me, I will be back tomorrow. OH, and all these picture were taken with my new camera! :)

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