Jake has allergies, this is nothing new, and when they comes a knocking, he gets really irritated and it shows.....he gets extremely hyper and agitated with everything around him. Jake had been biting at his front legs these past two days and itching.....I got nervous last night when he just wouldn't stop and he kept me up all night worrying.....so off to the Vet office we go to check this out.....
Checking in at the front desk....."Hello! I'm here" |
Okay, we are in the doctor's office now waiting for the doctor.
"Can we go home now, I feel better" |
"How about NOW.....Can we go home NOW????" |
"But the door is right there and we can make a clean break for it - hit the handle!!!" |
"Okay, I sit here and wait for doctor, but just for one more minute....." |
"This is really cutting into my feeding time.....When is she going to show up??" |
"Maybe she won't show up at all!!! Uh-Oh, I hear the door open....." |
"Okay, that was way too much action for me" |
Jake got FOUR prescriptions today......one is for seasonal allergies which is a pill he takes twice a day, he got an accommodating pill (like a TUMS pills) to easy his tummy with the original seasonal pill, he got a medicated anti-itch spray for his legs, and he got an ointment to put around his eyes for allergies. All this medication was for allergies, he's ok, there's nothing to worry about, just his allergies acting up. I can probably get a good night sleep tonight.
Well, we didn't do anything else today, but tomorrow will be a more exciting day and I'm bringing my camera!! Nooooooo, I can't tell you, you'll have to check back tomorrow and read all about it! :) LOL! Have a great night.....and Jake is out cold right now snoring......
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