
Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Week.....

No, no, I'm not going into weekly postings, I'm still going to try my best to post daily, don't let the title fool ya. But I named it that cause I've just been meandering thru the week. Blog class was great last night, I think mostly cause I get excited about being around people with common interests (go figure) and blogging is my interest (or is it just a nicer word than "yappy") LOL! OH, I was told in blogging class last night I have to create more links within my postings and I was told my a friend (and faithful reader) to add my "keywords" to my blog postings, so you will see more of both in upcoming blog postings.

I've been "yapping" with my Mom recently about a trip to Las Vegas in November (another interest of mine) :), and of course, she was all for it. I see prices on Las Vegas vacations are a little lower than usual (trust me, I would know) :) So I'll let ya know how that comes out in the up coming weeks. We are thinking leaving Wednesday and coming back Monday sometime in the beginning of November.

Okay, let me back up here. I got a promotional advertisement in the mail about two weeks ago from a local auto of those promotional packs with a key (yes a real key) to have a chance to win a new car. My chances of having the right key to win the car is one in a 42 million (well, you know what I mean). So, anyways, I run right down to the local dealership and I put my key in the little lock box they have set up (heaven forbid if we have to turn that key in the door of a real car LOL!), and sure enough, my key don't fit. So, anyways, the sales guy does his job and tries to talk me into shopping for a new car but I told him I was unemployed and that seemed shut him right up before the word "Go!" and he was nice enough to bring me a consolation prize. It's a gift card to Now this website was easy to use, redeeming the gift card was very easy, but you won't find (in my state) any chain restaurants that we are use to eating at listed on this website. BUT that was okay, because we got to try a new restaurant that we wouldn't of tried at all. So last night, we flipped thru the restaurants listed locally and found a seafood restaurant in Windham called "Lobster Tail". I got pictures :) I did take these with my new Blackberry (I'll get to that story down below)......

No, the restaurant is not lopsided, my picture shooting abilities are.... :)

Some clam chowder.....

I had fish and chips
So, anyways, I had the fish and chips and it wasn't bad at all. I would go back (as I got two $10 gift certificates that can't be used in the same month), so we will go back to the Lobster Tail next month. The lunch menu was reasonable and three of us totalled $33.75 (take away the $10 gift certificate and tax adjustment) brought it down to $23.85 for three of us for lunch and corn chowder appetizer for Dad. The soda was included in the prices of the lunch (Yeah! When is the last time you seen that, if ever!) So, it was a great experience at the restaurant. I can't wait to go back to try something else there on the lunch menu :)

Okay, moving on, I have a few more things on my mind before I leave ya along. My Blackberry died this week and it was a tragic (almost heart stopping) experience for me. I mean, 80 percent of my life is spent online (I know, I know, get a life! LOL!) so I immediately pulled the 8GB card out of the back of it. I don't mind if the Blackberry dies, but don't take me down with it. I had an adaptor ("here" I'll show you exactly what it looks like) and it's super easy to use, and I do mean, super easy. I didn't use the USB one, I used the card slider because I have a sim card reader built right into my Gateway NetBook (no link to Gateway because I see Gateway doesn't even make this model netbook anymore, I bought it in 2008). So anyways, I dumped my whole Blackberry info/pics/folders right onto my NetBook and went out and bought a Blackberry 9330 (hang on, got a link to what it looks like "here", mine is grey). So my Blackberry that just died lasted me exactly 18 months. We shall see how long this one lasts me.......

Okay, last but not least, I've decided to get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning and I'm participating in a free local walking group that walks at 9am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Even though the distance of 4 miles intimates me a tad, I'm going to try this out. So, I will blog about that tomorrow and tell you how it went! :) Have a great night! :)

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