I saw a little TV report on the dollar bill this week, how it costs 7 cents to make a dollar bill and the dollar bill only lasts 36 months in circulation. They were saying that they are eventually going to take the paper dollar bill out of circulation completely and replace it with a dollar coin. Well, the first coin dollar was minted in 1794, but it either hasn't caught on or is not too popular today (or both).....but what I'm thinking is that people are just set in their ways and have a hard time adjusting to major changes like switching over from a paper dollar bill to a coin dollar after all these years.

Well, we got snow today......I was hoping it would just come up to Massachusetts and turn around and head south again (yeah, I know, wishing thinking), but the storm showed up on our front door step with heavy snow. There were a fair share of accidents on roadways and 100,000 people lost power by before 9pm. It started snowing around 3pm and I got home around 4pm and stayed home. It's crazy to drive in this weather condition and if there's not a need to go wandering around out there, then just don't.
Now, speaking the snow. Jake is not too crazy about the snow. I brought him downstairs to do his duty around 6pm and I put him under the stairs where it was dry and he was happy. Now, this little 8 pound baby has a game he likes to play when there's snow on the ground. I don't know where he learned it, but he's gotten good at it over the last few years. So anyways, when he's done doing his business, he'll step in the snow and stop. He then pulls up one of his front paws slowly and look at me and acts like he has a broken foot and can't walk. That front leg is raised with paw dangling down and he has this pitiful look on his face. So, of course, sucker me, walks over to him, picks him up and carries him up three flights of stairs. Now, he doesn't do this in the other 3/4 of the year, just when there is snow on the ground and he just doesn't like walking, or standing, or crossing over it at all. Now, I forgot about this little game of his until he reminded me about it today. So, sure enough, once again, he did his business and the second his paws hit the snow, the front paw comes up and he's goes into this "frozen" mode like he's stuck with a "broken foot". I call this the "broken foot" game. And, of course, after I carry him upstairs, his runs in the living room all happy again. Funny how all four paws work the minute then he hits the living room floor.
So, I think I yapped enough for today. Have a good night! :) I'm gonna put "broken foot" to bed now. LOL!
1 comment:
*tap tap tap* I waited BOL! So funny!!! And, wait, I can't stop laughing about the broken foot game! Sorry, just too funny. Poor mom! xx
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