
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Walk and Class

This morning I joined my walking group as we ventured 4 miles from the West Side Arena all the way to the river walk, it doesn't sound far, but it is. My routine is to talk to the seniors that walk with me all the way down one way and then on the way back I know they have their little circle of gossip, so I go up on ahead of them and on the way back I listen to my Pandora Radio app that is in my Blackberry with my headphones. So I get the best of both worlds, talking with seniors and enjoying their company; and then walking by myself getting into my music. I like that.

Tomorrow I'm going to the gym around 9:45am to make sure I get there on a angled treadmill that faces the TV monitor square on that will have Dr. Oz on for the hour. Anddddddddd, I have my walking routine down to a science too. Since there are many commericals that come on between the TV show; when the Dr. Oz show is on, I put the treadmill in a 2.5 miles per hour walk, 10% uphill know, the pretty easy strolling stuff, BUT when the commercials come on, I hike up the speed to 3 and up the treadmill grade to 50% thru the commercials, so you see, I get a great treadmill work out for an hour; "cooling down" while the show is on; and "cranking up the heartbeat workout" while the commercials are on. I think it's a win/win situation and I get to watch my show and after my show is done I cool down at the end with my Blackberry Pandora App with songs I like. It doesn't get any more Cardio than that! I'm telling ya, it's like Rocket Science. LOL! :)

Tonight's Blogging class was good, I'm always glad I go. It might be hard to leave the sofa to show up, but it's one of those things where when you get there, it's exactly where you want to be! :) We had to write a short story (very short), maybe like 9 or 10 lines total about a Cherished Memory in our past. Of course I wrote about something simple as my dog. I cherish the times with my dog. If you don't know that, then you don't know me :) We also learned in class about RSS feeds and how they can help your blog in the long run and create followers. You always want your RSS feed address to be available.

As for the rest of my day. I didn't do much at all. I had a nap on the sofa........I'm thinking that's got to be a Cherished Moment right there :)

Anyways, I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow morning and do my TV show/commercial work out routine on the treadmill for an hour and then come home and take Jake out for a while. I don't have errands to do tomorrow, so I think we will find a park to go to and we will wander around until his little legs are tired and I have to help him in the car and place him on the seat where he will crumble onto the seat and curl up and fall asleep right there in front of me. NOW, whether this actually happens this way is a completely different story. See that!! That, right there, was a prime example of wishful thinking LOL! :)

Have a good night and I will bug you tomorrow and hopefully with some more pictures. :)

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