It's always good to be creative and turn up your fitness workout every so often. Making it fun and interactive, make your feel more accountable and no so alone when traveling down the fitness journey road. This year, I have a few things going on in the fitness department that will make working out fun. I mean, who wants to go to the gym, just life a bunch of weights, and go home. The people who can do that have more motivation and drive than I do. So here's what I have "signed up for" to keep my fitness level up, keep me motivated, and try to reach new goals. Goals, let's talk about that.....
Goals can be reached with a few small changes in your life. Remember, change won't happen unless you change sometime. For example, small changes in your day may be to drink more water everyday, to go to the gym four times a week, and keep a fitness/food journal. Small changes like these will help you reach an overall goal. Overall goal may be to lost those last few stubborn pounds, to feel healthier, to run a marathon, etc. Could be anything, so be creative in setting goals and making changes today to reach them.
A few small changes that I'm putting into place is to put treadmill running sessions into my workout schedule. For me, when I strength train, I inadvertently put cardio on the back burner, but it's important to add cardio into your weekly workout schedule. Especially when one of my goals is to run a minimum of 8 5k's this year.
So whatever your overall goal is, put small changes into effect today to reach them.