
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dentist and Relaxing

Okay, I survived the dentist visit. I had two wisdom teeth taken out on the back bottom left side and right side....way in the wasn't that bad at all. And then I had two cavities filled which one had recently started bothering me. So that's all taken care of. When the doctor was doing something else, somewhere else, while I waited for the Novocaine to kick in, I snapped these pictures with my Blackberry real quick.....

In the dentist chair - to the right of me.....

Straight ahead of me - I know, I know, who wears socks and
sandals together LOL!

And to the left of me.....
The dentist gave me three prescriptions that I've been taking according to my level of pain when the Novocaine wore off. I got Percocet, Amoxicillin, and an 800 mg of Tylenol. The Percocet I took for the first two days (the day of the dentist appointment and most of today), but I've had enough of taking them. I'm not in that much pain anymore and any other pain that comes my way can be handled by the 800mg of the Tylenol. OH, and I have finish the Amoxicillin, of course.

So yesterday I was "out of it" so I didn't go out too far and today I stayed indoors all day in my pajamas and just took the dog out to the park and did a drive thru order for an iced tea at McDonald's with the help of my parents, cause I still can't drive in my condition will all these pills. Tomorrow will be a better day since I'm not taking those Percocets anymore. The Percocets were rough on my tummy, made me dizzy and dopey, and made me sweat just lying on the couch. Ugh, no more.

Tomorrow will be a more adventurous day since I had heard there was a community "get together" here in my neighborhood from 3 to 7, so I'll walk (it's only one block away) there with my new camera and get some pictures to post.

What's else, what else.....I think that's pretty much I'll sign off and yap at ya all tomorrow! :)

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