
Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday - Dentist Appointment

Monday! Monday! Monday! Where the fun weekend is gone and I have to focus again on getting things done. Today I have a dentist appointment. I had a cleaning done on my teeth on Thursday and the dentist said I need to have my two back lower wisdom teeth yanked right out (okay, maybe he didn't use that word "yanked", but still!) and I have two cavities that needs attention. Yes, I know what you are thinking and the answer is Yes, all in ONE visit. Not sure if he is going to "knock me out" for this, but either way "time" can only get me in and get me out, between those two times, I'm going to have to bare with it and get it done. The rest of this week is pretty much open with nothing pressing to do, so I'll hit the gym a few times and try to find a hobby to fill my time. I don't mind watching TV, but come on, I'm wasting away valuable summer time that I could be doing (low cost) fun things and picking up a new hobby. So, anyways, it's 10am and I'm going to catch some breakfast (I was told I have to eat before arriving at the dentist), and I will be back later to tell you what else I did today (which in the conditition I'll end up in after the dentist, I will probably be on the couch all day recouperating)! :)

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