
Monday, July 25, 2011

Jake And My Day

I didn't sleep that well last night and it didn't help that Jake was turning and turning and turning around doing circles on my comforter to get comfortable next to me. It has been cooling down here lately, not that 100 degree weather anymore..... I know Jake is relieved that the heat has moved on. He really needs a haircut, getting awfully shaggy around the ears and eyes and I keep cutting so he can see. I did bring him out tonight for some social time with his friends at PetCo. He and some of his friends meet at PetCo on Monday nights, Thursday nights, and Saturdays at noon. Jake has zero social skills with other dogs. He's an only child here and just rules the house with his way. So interaction with other dogs around him is a challenge cause Jake thinks he can "rule" them. Well, it just doesn't work that way and he's stubborn. But then there's little Zoey (little 5 pound mix - I'll get a good picture when I go back on Thursday).....well, Jake just adores her......he gets all happy and tail wagging......Zoey tries to give Jake a little kiss but Jake just won't have it. So we hung out there for a little less than an hour and headed back home where I know Jake will have sweet dreams of little Zoey. I will get a picture next time....proooommiisssseeeeeeee...... :)
Anyways, I didn't do much today.......I registered my car (ugh, that birthday month issue) and it wasn't too bad, only $201 for this year, so I can see it dropped from last year like it's suppose to. I will be paying off this car sometime this year, but I'm not sure exactly when yet......the sooner the better right.
I wish I had more news to tell you all, but it has been an uneventful Monday. I'm sometimes the biggest procrastinator in the world just pushing down things from one day to another, and you wonder why I get headaches sometimes.....LOL! Have a good night. Just let me get thru this last week of July!

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