
Sunday, July 24, 2011

What I'm Up To And My Professional Rock Climber

Hello! I missed a blog posting yesterday.........I did that just to make sure you were paying attention.....heehee!! Yesterday was a nice day as I spend lunch with my Sister and my Mom and I got my birthday presents from my sister. My sister got me a pocket size Snoopy & Woodstock themed notepad (always writing my thoughts down) and she got me a RV travel related book. I'm currently working my way thru the book. I'll give my complete thoughts on the book when I finish it, but so far I got thru Chapter 1, Chapter 2 will be tonight's reading. And no, at this time, I'm not listing the name of the book......
We have a diner up here called the Red Arrow. Okay, maybe it's not in the best part of town, but with so many people coming in and out and walking around outside, I feel comfortable going there at a decent hour of the day (I might skip it at 1am). The restaurant is always hopping with people coming out from local night clubs and events (concerts, theater plays, baseball games) .....I dug up some pictures I took a while ago of the menu and soup bowl.......I sometimes forget to bring my new camera with me thinking I'll never need it.....I'm always wrong........

I almost forgot the point I was trying to make with the Red point is that I went there for dinner on Saturday night with friends........ :)

So, moving on to, I brought Jake to the park this morning. I didn't have much planned for today at all and Jake and I were pacing the kitchen so we hit the road and went to a local (hmmmm, about 4 miles from my house) park. OF COURSE, dummy me, I forgot my camera again, but I did get two snap shots off the's my Professional Rock Climber.....

"I'm a professional, don't try this on your own......."

Here's the pool at that same park that we walk around, pool don't till 11am
So, after that we didn't do too much......

I'm a little disturbed by the national news having so many shootings. Just last week I've heard of
  • an air conditioner that was in an apartment window leaked on a woman's head and the brother of the woman went up to the apartment that the air conditioner belonged to and shot the resident who lived there 8 times (in Chicago).
  • a guy walks into a roller skating rink (in Texas) and shoots his wife and family, injuring 7 people during his kid's birthday party.
  • a car show yesterday just south of Seattle leaves 11 people injured with gun shots (one person with multiple gun shot wounds) when one car owner bad mouthed another car owner's paint job.
  • AND locally, hitting home where I live, a guy is killed outside a gas station after a verbal confrontation with another guy in a car.
Should I not leave my house anymore? I guess we all take chances when leaving the comfort of our home. I'm not going to say no one should own a gun, but it's some of the people in possession of these guns that really worry me. Someone having a bad day, getting a divorce, lost their job, wants to "one up" the other person, YOU insulted my paint job!!.......sigh, I'm just going to look for an island for sale that has wireless internet access......this is just unbelievable. Okay, I hope everyone had a nice weekend, I'm signing off. Have a good night, bug you all tomorrow......and I promise to bring my camera wherever I go tomorrow :)

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