
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Manchester Community Meeting

Once a month the city of Manchester has a community gathering at a local restaurant (the restaurant closes at 2pm and opens only for our meeting at 7pm once a month). Well, tonight, there was ice cream social before the meeting. First off, when I got there, I swear this horse was posing for this picture......

"Haha! Go ahead and take the picture, I'm ready!"

"Okay, I'll behave now. Neeiiigh!"
Okay, moving on......the ice cream social was sponsored by a local restaurant called the Puritan Backroom. They have good ice cream there and they brought five flavors tonight.

Which one.....Wait! I want some of each....

There's my mess.... :)
Our mayor was there to answer questions from the public. There was questions about trash pick up, graffiti, and construction (When the heck was the Kelley Street bridge going to be done? Mr. Mayor said December)......

Our Mayor Ted Gatsas was there
Since we walked there (we live in the local neighborhood), I snapped some pictures of some flowers we came across on our walk home.

Other than that, my night was quiet, TV for the rest of the night and I didn't spend a dime today......Bug you all tomorrow! :)

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