
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another Car Show

Hi! I attended another local car show today. The car show wasn't as impressive as the previous day's car show, but it was something to do......I took pictures of my favorite cars. After the car show we stopped at the grocery store for our weekly shopping routine. This afternoon Nascar took over my attention and so did the comfort of the sofa. Tonight Mom, Dad, and I went out for Pizza.....well, they had a pizza, I tried to stay within a reasonable calorie intake and had the chicken sandwich. Oh, and then we brought Jake out to the park tonight and let him explore around. I didn't think it would be such an eventful day, but everyday is a surprise sometimes. I hope you enjoy the pictures I took today of the classic cars....... :)

Well, that's it for's play time with Jake now.....have a nice day! :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Classic Car Show In Bedford, New Hampshire

Today we went to a classic car show at the Bedford High School. There were alot of cars there and I got to snap some pictures......I hope you enjoy them......I know I went a little wild with the camera... :)

Jake is having a good time too......

Break Time!